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Kiosks Improve Service at Public Housing Authorities

Housing Authorities and Advanced Kiosks

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has given public housing agencies a good deal of flexibility in how they can use CARES Act funds, but included in HUD guidance are phrases such as “costs related to maintaining adequate social distancing” and “increasing service hours to prevent crowding in waiting areas, or any other costs incurred to ensure adequate distance among staff and residents.” Other allowable costs include those for “protecting residents (particularly high-risk residents) from exposure from interaction with PHA staff and vice versa.”

The CARES Act included $685 million to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic, and to help public housing agencies (PHAs) maintain normal operations.”

And one of the best ways housing authorities are finding to accomplish those goals is by deploying self-service solutions that allow agency staff to serve residents where they are, in a safe and socially distanced manner, and at times that are most convenient for those residents. Advanced Kiosks’ Zamok Kiosk Office Suite2.0, for example, is already serving as a robotic office for housing authorities across the country.

Improving and expanding service options

Zamok Kiosk Office Suite 2.0 addresses several challenges faced by residents of public housing as well as housing authority staff:

Functions of the Zamok Kiosk Office Suite 2.0 solution include:

These features, and others, position Zamok Kiosk Office Suite 2.0 as an additional 24/7 service center for housing authorities of all sizes.

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