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Student Retention Increases with Computer Kiosks

Kiosk Self Service Systems for Colleges

It’s that time of year again. Students have made their way through another semester, they are getting ready for finals and then their winter break starts. This year’s incoming freshman class have made their way through their first of many semesters to come, young adults living away from home for the first time while adjusting to huge changes in both their social, and their academic, lives. Some students may not be returning after their break. Some never adjusted to life away from home. A sad truth is that a number of students will not be returning in January. The reasons behind a student not coming back to school are the result of a wide variety of factors. Today we are going to focus on less of the ‘why’ and more on the ‘how’ self-service technology can help keep students enrolled.

It goes without saying that there is no ‘one quick fix’ when it comes to increasing student retention and graduation rates, however, Hanover Research’s report “What Works in Student Retention” shares that there are definitely some key factors involved that increase the likelihood of a student making it to graduation.


A large part of what has made self-service technology a successful industry is its ability to empower the user to help themselves. There is little reason why the same benefits could not also be applied to an academic setting and its students.  Let’s look at how.


Helps with: Tutoring, Advising, Supplemental Instruction, and Living/Learning Community

Whether it’s for fun times or for a little extra help, scheduling events and making appointments should be easy. A kiosk can make things easy, while saving time and expenses.


Helps with: Freshman Seminar & Living/Learning Community


Helps with: Living/Learning Community and Early Warning System


Helps with: Living/Learning Community, Academic Advising, Freshman Seminar/Orientation, and Academic Advising

The ways we’ve listed are only a few of the many ways self-service computer kiosks increase student retention through providing assistance to students when they need it the most. Interactive kiosks are powerful tools that help colleges and universities boost their student retention rates.


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