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Employee Kiosks Save HR Time, Money, and Resources


HR Kiosks A Welcome Solution

You enter this giant retail store and you’re looking for a bathroom…

You navigate in and out of the clothing racks looking for the stick figured indication of relief. There’s a door in the back corner that doesn’t have a sign on it but you take a leap of faith and head right for it. No one is around to tell you otherwise, so you peek in. Looks more like an employee back room, and not a bathroom. Bummer.

You find the bathroom after speaking with a wonderfully useful sales clerk. The problem is solved, you can stop pretending you were planning on shopping, and get back to the car. Then you remember, “That ATM looking thing in the employee lobby seemed pretty cool. Why does an employee lobby need an ATM?” Well, reader, that is not an ATM in that employee lobby. It’s an employee kiosk, and it’s helping that retail store’s HR become a power-force of mass proportions.

Okay, that’s a little dramatic, but you get the idea. That kiosk has many tools and capabilities that make the lives of that HR team much easier.

Here’s a list of some of its superpowers:

A lot of human resources offices have taken to using self-service technology as a means of communicating more clearly and efficiently with their employees. It saves the time of the HR specialist by helping the employee help themselves while the HR specialist works on more complex tasks that a kiosk cannot execute. It saves money on paper resources that would otherwise be printed and sent to every employee to send back to HR. If it’s cutting back on paper use, then it’s also a more eco-friendly option. To simplify: it saves time, money, and resources.

Now you’re sitting in the car, thinking about that awesome hunk of metal. It’s cool, it’s fun, it probably would have called you a dweeb in high school. Not the point.


If you work for an industry that you think could benefit from an HR Kiosk, you can reach out to us to learn more at 603-865-1000.

Pro tip: For next time you’re having an “emergency”, there’s a phone app Flushd that locates the nearest public restroom.


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