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Renting a Kiosk: How to Make the Right Choice


renting a kiosk


Renting a Kiosk

A quick infographic guide for those of you wondering about renting a kiosk.

  1. Figure out what you need the kiosk for
    1. Is this an information kiosk? Donation kiosk? Advertisement kiosk? Figure out what you’re using the kiosk for and then make up a list of all the potential things you would like your kiosk to have.
  2. Research different kiosk rental companies
    1. Think about what you decided you want in a kiosk and what your price range is. Do your research and find the kiosk company that fits your needs the closest.
  3. Get a quote and speak to a sales rep
    1. Fill out a form to get a quote and answer the call from the sales rep. From there you should have developed a clear understanding about whether this kiosk company is the right fit and if the price fits your range.
  4. Ask important questions (see below)

Some Question You Could Ask

  1. Most will ship the kiosk to your event and help with setup and then come get the kiosk when the rental agreement has expired (quality of support depends on business)



Renting a kiosk may take time and effort when it comes to choosing the most affordable and efficient kiosk. It’s worth the time to get the right kiosk for whatever event or fundraiser you need it for. You can learn more about our kiosks by going to: kiosk models

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