
Interactive Kiosk Ideas: 5 Ways to Use Your Kiosk

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5 actual discussions I’ve had in the past week with people who want to use an interactive kiosk

I spend more than 40 hours a week talking to people who have business ideas whose chances of success can be greatly enhanced by using the functionality that an interactive kiosk can offer.

The scope of these ideas vary widely depending on the type of business they are involved in, what type of customers they work with and what their expectations are. At the root, however, their expectations are usually variations on the same theme – how do I make my business more profitable? The ideas and applications, however, are deliciously unique. Here are 5 actual discussions I’ve had in the past week with people who want to use Interactive Kiosks in order to make their businesses more profitable.

Where’s my kid??

When a young family attends a church service, the children often are sent off to different places (such as the nursery) in the parish. Most large churches now offer baby-sitting services and parents will check-in their baby at a kiosk, which prints out a name tag for the child and/or a “receipt” for the parent to pick up their kids after the service. Churches will also add a credit card reader to the kiosk, to make donations and tithing easier for their congregation. After all, who carries cash anymore?

PAYBACK: Churches can offer a safer environment for families, and increase their revenue at the same time!

Taxi! TAXI!!!

You’ve just landed at an unfamiliar airport. How do I hail a cab? Where can I get dinner in town?? Is the local sports team playing a home game tonight? Airports are now employing Interactive Kiosks to help visitors get the information they need. For instance, a visitor can look at a list of hotels on the kiosk, choose the one they want, pick up the VOIP handset that’s attached to the kiosk and speak to a representative at that hotel.

PAYBACK: Businesses reaching out to travelers are the ones who get the business!

Storing away memories (and other junk)

The self-storage business is booming right now, but owners don’t want to waste 8-16 hours each day at their facility to work with the two or three customers who might show up during the day. An on-site interactive kiosk can engage the customer who can rent a space on his own and pay for it by using his credit card.

PAYBACK: Storage Space owners can run what is truly an absentee business!

Do these pants make my butt look big?

You’ve just found a really cool new pair of jeans, but the holiday dinner(s) you ate make you realize that maybe you need to buy the next size up. What if that next size up is not in stock? Instead of going to another store to buy those Levi’s, the customer can go to the Interactive Kiosk located in the dressing room, access the retailer’s online store (the kiosk prevents the user from “surfing” to a competing site), orders the size and color he wants, and get them delivered to their home.

PAYBACK: Maximize revenue from your existing customers!

But Your Honor, I’m innocent!!

State correctional systems are recognizing the value of placing Interactive Kiosks at strategic locations to allow low risk offenders to check in remotely instead of having to show up in person to meet with their parole officer or social worker. The kiosk can take the parolee’s picture, use biometric technology to read a fingerprint for positive identification, and collect fees or fines.

PAYBACK: This frees up time for the Corrections Officer to concentrate on more urgent issues!

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