Assisted Self Service Kiosk 3.0

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Secure Video Communication Service and Document Transfer

Self Service comes full circle with the A.S.K. 3.0 (Assisted Self Service Kiosk) product. This is a high level secure solution that provides a way for people to hold a confidential online conversation and transfer documents in a safe and secure manner.

The A.S.K. 3.0 features the Aegis Desk for comfort and privacy for users who are filling out extensive forms or having longer video conferencing calls, as well as all the features of Zamok Kiosk Office Suite.

3 Year Warranty3 Year WarrantyZamok Kiosk Management SoftwareKiosk Interfaces

Self-Service Comes Full Circle With A.S.K. 3.0

A.S.K. 3.0 leverages the Aegis Desk, Zamok Kiosk Office Suite, and cutting-edge videoconferencing equipment including webcams, 4K monitors, and directional soundbars to recreate a person-to-person experience with technology. The transfer of data and documents is secure and easy.

A service agent can remotely control any of the desk’s functions, including document scanning, printing, screen-sharing, or navigation.

Combining the Aegis Desk with the optional Aegis Booth provides a clean, safe, and ADA-compliant environment for communication.

The Aegis Booth’s HEPA air filtration system circulates fresh air every three minutes, while UV lights disinfect all surfaces for a germ-free experience.

Noise canceling technology, smart glass panels, and a sound-dampening enclosure provide added layers of privacy.

Assisted Self Service Kiosk


A Few Of Our Customers


Assisted Self Service Kiosk

In many cases, users have multiple and/or complex pages of paperwork to print, scan or email. More than simply a workstation, the A.S.K. 3.0 allows the user to instantly chat with your help representative with live video assistance with complicated forms or processes. 

A.S.K. 3.0 Kiosk Solution

Zamok Kiosk Office Suite Express


✓ Best for shorter interactions
✓ Designed to handle fewer documents
✓ Touch Screen functionality
✓ Secure computer and software
✓ Privacy screen available for monitor
✓ Rugged and tamperproof
✓ VOIP handset calling
✓ Better for small spaces

A.S.K. 3.0 Desk Solution

Zamok Kiosk Office Suite Deluxe


✓ Best for long interactions
✓ Accommodates larger quantity of documents
✓ Familiarity & comfort of  workstation setup
✓ Increased privacy measures
✓ Rugged and tamperproof
✓ Secure computer and software
✓ Audio conferencing
✓ Best for open spaces  

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