
Kiosk RFP vs RFQ Checklist | Advanced Kiosks

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Kiosk RFP vs RFQ Checklist

Writing RFP’s & RFQ’s can be challenging.  Use this eGuide to help make sure you don’t get stuck with an inferior product. The experienced technical sales staff and project engineers here at Advanced Kiosks have many years of experience serving government agencies and other organizations that require RFP and RFQ processing for projects. Kiosk RFP vs RFQ needs are outlined within the checklist and can helpstreamline the process for you.

Request this free RFP/RFQ CHECKLIST!

Get What Your Project Needs
Vauge language and lack of specifications on RFPs & RFQs have led many projects to ruin.  Use this checklist to help you specifiy some of the most important aspects that should be included with self-service product.

Points To Consider
This reference includes a list of things that are best to think about before looking around for your self-service kiosk or solution, helping you avoid disaster later down the road.



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