
WHITE PAPER: Employee Self Service, A Cost Saving Solution

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Self-Service Kiosks and Human Resources

The rapid rate at which Human Resource departments are evolving is forcing a paradigm shift in HR professionals who have often assumed the roles of compliance managers, benefits administrators, paperwork processors, policy and procedure educators and recruiters. The changes to the Human Resource job functions are because of a move away from traditional processes that HR formerly had to handle and a move toward empowering employees with self-service solutions for their HR needs. Employee Self-Service (ESS) is the cornerstone of a smart, forward-thinking Human Resource strategy and it must begin today to ensure your department remains relevant. Human Resource departments can no longer afford to be bogged down with mundane administrative tasks. According to the Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015 study,

human resources

“The results show that 87% of companies now rate ‘retention, engagement, and culture’ as an important imperative and 50% rate it ‘urgent’”.

With human resource departments constantly working on data entry projects, and similar task-based work, how can there be time to focus on what is truly important, and in 50% of cases, urgent? Learn how some HR departments are using self-service technology to focus on retention, engagement, and culture by signing up to receive our human resources white paper, “ESS as a Cost Saving Solution”.



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