Kiosk Model: Wall-Mounted Touchscreen

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  4. Wall-Mounted Touch-Screen Kiosks

Large Interactive Touchscreen

P/N: H32-850-1xx

The Wall-Mounted Touchscreen can be a clean and simple installation for self-service or an immersive experience for your customers. Use this 43″ touchscreen* kiosk to provide an amazing user experience and boost brand awareness.

Its multi-touch touchscreen and customizable displays make the Wall-Mounted Touchscreen a durable, attractive, and easy-to-use choice for your digital marketing needs.

*Need a different size monitor? Contact us

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Kiosk Model and Use Cases

Standard Model of Wall-Mounted Touch Screen Kiosk

Seabrook NH School System

Seabrook, NH Elementary used the wall mounted touch screen kiosk for their School Spirit installation to showcase all of the schools in their district, providing helpful information to parents and students alike. Complete with QR Codes for mobile viewing, Translation and Accessibility features for inclusivity for all users.


Bonfiglioli uses a wall-mounted kiosk in their lobby to streamline visitor management with the Greeter, allowing guests to sign in, notify hosts, and print photo IDs while ensuring safety compliance. Visitors sign out upon departure, updating the database and ensuring accurate records. Learn more about this project here.


Why Choose the Wall-Mounted Touch Screen?

Clean, Simple, and Engaging

Enhances customer experience and elevates your brand

Positive Experience

Immersive customer experience

Interactive Self-Service

Providing a smooth, interactive experience for users

Immersive User Experience

Perfect for boosting brand awareness while delivering seamless interaction

Standard Features

  • 22″, 32″, 43” (most popular) and 55″ Touchscreen Monitor
  • PCAP Touch Technology
  • 4k (3840 x 2160 pixel) resolution on 43” and larger kiosks
  • 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixel) resolution on 22 and 32” model
  • 5 megapixel user facing webcam
  • OPS (open pluggable specification) computer system: The computer attaches directly into display and is removeable allowing repairs and upgrades without the need to remove the display from the wall.
  • Quad Core CPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 120gb SSD (upgradeable to 250gb)
  • All Mounting Hardware
  • Removable Computer: The computer housed within the enclosure can be easily detached or removed.
  • Lockable wall mount that prevents the kiosk from being removed or tampered with
  • Amplified stereo speakers
  • Set of 2 keys
  • WiFi & Ethernet Connectivity
  • Windows 11 Professional


Wall Mounted Touchscreen Kiosk Brochure 2020 Cover Thumb
Download Brochure

Installation & Assembly

1 year warranty
1 Year Warranty

GSA Contract Logo
GSA Contract Holder

Made in the USA
Made in the USA

“Your commitment to helping us overcome challenges was commendable. Without your dedication, we would not have produced the outstanding product we were able to deliver to our community. The Advanced Kiosks team was with us every step of the way.”

Lorrie Sivich and Emily Gass
Technical Support, Roslyn Cemetery

“We particularly appreciate the management software that allows us to see status without having to go to the actual kiosk... The upgrade process itself was made easy by your team taking the lead.”

IT Systems Analyst
Atlanta Airlines Terminal Company

“We’re really proud of what we’ve done. The previous vendor was 100% cash... We’re at 97% debit/credit now... The kiosks are a critical component of our business.”

Rob Samuelsen
Consultant, Regional Partnering Center, Pima Association of Governments

“The video is fantastic! After seeing that, I’m interested in having another one created for the RentCafe portals.”

Josh Stice
Director of IT, City of Reno Housing Authority

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