
Zoo Kiosks are Improving Visitor Satisfaction

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There are lots of benefits to zoo kiosks when they are done well and lots of great uses for them: wayfinding, interactive exhibits, tickets sales, event promotion. The list goes on. Parks and recreation areas have found so many ways to use our outdoor kiosks, we made a fun little video about them all. But when it comes to using touchscreen kiosks to collect visitor feedback, the Morey Group has got it down to a science.

Detroit Zoo Kiosk

Why Use Survey Kiosks?

Reliability & Accuracy

The Morey Group is a national market research and consulting firm that specializes in serving cultural attractions. Since 1985, it’s been helping museums, zoos and aquariums increase attendance, improve visitor experience and maximize revenue. No matter which goals Morey is helping a client achieve, the process always starts with collecting accurate data. Research is at the heart of all they do.

The Morey Group has experimented with many different ways of gathering data. Now they routinely recommend clients conduct visitor survey programs using touchscreen kiosks. Kiosks provide a continuous, accurate source of visitor data. Morey’s zoo kiosk clients place them strategically at designated exits. That way, the surveys are presented to people after they have taken in the entire zoo experience. Survey kiosks are always on, always ask the right questions, and always record the data accurately.

When respondents use computer kiosks to answer survey questions, it minimizes data entry errors, but that’s not the only reason self-service surveys are more reliable.

Julia Renken is the Morey Group’s director of client services. She explains how the firm found kiosk responses to be less skewed than other means of data collection:

“Survey participants rate their experience more honestly. We found that respondents tend to inflate their experiential ratings with in-person interviewers.” ~Julia Renken, Morey Group, Director of Client Services

Why Use Advanced Kiosks?

Durable Hardware, Flexible Software

When Morey’s previous vendor left the kiosk space a few years ago, the consultancy was looking for outdoor-rated kiosks at a reasonable price. An initial Google search led them right to our Enviro Kiosk and the Advanced Kiosks Advantage. Since then, we have been working together to bring durable, user-friendly survey kiosks to Riverbanks Zoo & Garden in South Carolina, the Detroit Zoo, the National Zoo (Washington, D.C.) and ZooTampa.

Detroit Zoo Kiosk Interface

Julia points to her clients’ varied locations as proof positive that our outdoor kiosks can handle all kinds of weather. The completely sealed Enviro can operate in temperatures from 0°F to 122°F and comes with a sunlight readable monitor, so it’s good to go in Michigan winters or Florida heat and humidity. All Morey Group clients have opted for custom color wrapping with their logos too. Rugged and stylish!

The Morey Group and its clients have come to depend on our Zamok Software Suite, the best kiosk management software available. Zamok makes it easy to run Morey’s survey app of choice, Snap Mobile Anywhere. Julia also appreciates the remote access software utility, which allows her team to remote into any of their kiosks across the country to ensure everything is running smoothly and make any necessary tweaks. Conservation-minded zoos tend to love GreenTimer, just one utility included with our Zamok software that saves electricity and money while optimizing kiosk performance.

Why Use Morey Group?

Strategy & Results

If you are a zoo or aquarium with a problem to solve or a major change looming on the horizon, the first step is determining what data you need and how to get it. The Morey Group works with you to customize and deliver a kiosk-based Visitor Survey Program that will help you get the right answers and ultimately achieve your goals.

You can use your survey in all kinds of different ways. In addition to capturing visitor demographics and experiences, the Detroit Zoo includes questions about their food and beverage service vendor. The vendor uses the metrics the zoo kiosks collect for an incentive program, motivating employees to provide superior service each time, every time.

You already have a literal zoo to manage. Don’t take on managing a figurative zoo of visitor data. Leave that to the experts. The Morey Group pulls continuous data from your zoo kiosks to provide monthly, quarterly and annual reports. The monthly report gives you key experiential ratings and any reported inconveniences so you can address problems quickly. But Morey doesn’t just provide insight and analysis on your organization. Its annual benchmark reports allow you to see your organization in a national context. You can compare your performance to peer institutions across the country. It’s all about using the data – all the data – to improve your visitors’ experience.

Advanced Kiosks & Morey Group:

Partners You Can Count On

We’ve enjoyed cultivating a quality partnership with the Morey Group and providing their clients with durable, dependable survey zoo kiosks that collect data 24/7/365, year after year. Could you benefit from a zoo kiosk designed to collect continuous, accurate visitor feedback? Whether you’re trying to measure and improve visitor experience, attract and retain membership or attendance, or optimize pricing, Morey Group can help you reach your goals with research-based insight. Want more information about surveys or zoo kiosks? Give the Morey Group a call today!

As always, feel free to reach out to our technical sales staff for your self service technology needs!


Written by Amy Robison, contributing author

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