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People who work in the technology universe tend to share a common trait: They want to be at the forefront of technological advances. They want the latest hardware, the latest software, and of course, the latest operating system.

It’s no surprise, then, that kiosk manufacturer Advanced Kiosks has been fielding dozens of calls from deployers about the Pro version of the latest Microsoft operating system, Windows 11, and when they might see it on their self-service kiosk systems. Windows 11 has received positive reviews from users for its improved visual design, window management, and an increased focus on security.

But if you’re eager to see Windows 11 Pro as part of your kiosk project, we advise you to be patient.

Advanced Kiosks hasn’t upgraded their kiosks to Windows 11 Pro for several reasons. One of the biggest has to do with what we’ve all come to expect when Microsoft releases a new product. Previously unknown bugs and security issues arise, requiring regular patches. Occasionally, those patches create issues that result in operational problems such as failed updates, system crashes, or applications that no longer function as expected. Occasionally, the device locks up completely and you’re forced to roll back the OS to the previous version.

And if your livelihood depends on 24/7 uptime for your kiosk deployment, those issues are the last thing you want.

Why Hasnt Advanced Kiosks Upgraded To Windows 11

Along with the kiosk itself, electronic self-service devices include a host of peripherals, including card readers, VOIP devices, interactive touchscreens, RFID readers, scanners, printers, and more. All of these depend on drivers that need to be thoroughly tested to guarantee they function properly with Windows 11.

We are currently putting our custom kiosk software Zamok through rigorous testing to make sure no issues arise from updating to Windows 11. We’re also testing the custom GPOs and registry changes that assist in locking the kiosk down and creating a secure environment, as well as the drivers that make those peripherals perform.

So, when asked when our kiosks will begin using Windows 11 Pro, our answer needs to be, “As soon as we’re sure our hardware and Windows 11 are ready to work together.”

Advanced Kiosks is at the forefront of kiosk technology, and this includes our commitment to making sure our kiosks are secure and function as intended. Once we complete our testing and Microsoft completes its patching process, our kiosk systems will carry Windows 11 Pro.

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