
Managed Services Help You Get Down to Business

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Experienced companies think of Managed Services as proactive outsourcing. This means knowing what you don’t have time to become an expert in and which rabbit holes aren’t worth going down. It’s getting clear on your business priorities. At Advanced Kiosks, we’re self-service technology experts so you don’t have to be. 

Why Managed Services? 

Estimates vary, but the managed services market is growing by 9-13% a year. The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) says 64% of organizations are using some form of managed services and expects the industry to hit $193 billion by 2020. That’s a lot of people getting proactive about their outsourcing with good reason. Our economy just keeps getting more and more specialized. Businesses have to focus on what they know to stay alive. 

In the early days of managed services, companies chose to partner with Managed Services Providers (MSPs) to save money. That’s still a top reason for signing a service-level agreement (SLA), but with the explosion of new technologies, CompTIA reports cutting costs is taking a backseat to other objectives like improving security, increasing uptimes and generally getting smarter about leveraging new IT solutions. 

Regardless of why you choose to enter into a managed services contract, Forbes provides some excellent tips for getting the most out of your MSP relationship. Pick someone you trust and can build a relationship with. Be very clear about your business goals and why you’ve chosen to outsource these particular services; write your rationale into your SLA. Finally, always keep the lines of communication open. 

AK Managed Service Offerings

Freestanding Kiosk Interaction

You know Advanced Kiosks is an industry leader in self-service technology and integration. We have the engineering acumen and hardware and digital design expertise to develop and deploy any custom kiosk solution. But did you know we offer interactive kiosk managed services to keep your fleet up and running so you can focus on your core business objectives?

Advanced Kiosks managed service offerings include:

  1. Monitoring, Alerts & Notifications: We make sure each of your touchscreen kiosks stays within established operating parameters.
  2. Software & Operating System Updates: We keep the whole kiosk fleet up-to-date with the latest plugins and upgrades. We can even stay on top of 3rd-party software updates.
  3. Kiosk Security: Let us install and manage antivirus software, handle malware scans and address any and all found issues. 
  4. Inventory Management & Analytics: We track how your customers are using your self-service kiosks and make recommendations based on the data we collect and analyze.
  5. Monthly Executive Summary Reports: You tell us what’s important to you; we monitor and report on it. 

Our Managed Service Agreements are strategic and thorough. They set appropriate expectations, protecting and benefiting both parties. You trust Advanced Kiosks to deliver cutting-edge self service solutions. Why not trust us to maintain those solutions for you? 

Visit our Managed Services page or call (866) 783-3791 for more information. Advanced Kiosks Managed Services free you up to focus on the things that matter most to you and the success of your business.

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