
Q1 2017 Quarterly Newsletter | Advanced Kiosks

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Hello there!

We’re coming towards the end of the first quarter of 2017 and spring has sprung! (We’re being optimistic). We spent a good chunk of this winter calling our customers to check-in on their kiosk projects (and live vicariously through those working in warmer weather). We gathered testimonials, updates, research, and more to provide clear information regarding kiosks in all major industries. In general, we love to chat and learn about all the cool things our customers are doing with our kiosks. If you’d like to share an update with us, give us a call! We’d love to hear from you!



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We talked to Ryan Holbrook, the IT Support Manager for the ACVB (Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau) about their kiosk at Austin Visitor Center to get an update. Austin Visitor Center is using their kiosk for visitors to get information about Austin including hotels, dining, music, arts, and events. It includes a map with an Austin tour schedule, and a means to call and book a room or make a reservation! Click on the link to request this case study and learn more about how our kiosk improved the AVC.


Also, check out these case studies to learn about kiosks being used in self-storage facilities, churches, day cares, schools, state buildings, and synagogues!

10 Federal Self-Storage & Self-Service Kiosks  Flatland Kids’ Ministry & Self-Service Kiosks
 Mount Notre Dame High School & Self-Service Kiosks • Temple Beth Sholom & Self-Service Kiosks


We did our research this winter…

(and we mean a lot!)


We have published a group of white papers that discuss problems revolving around several industries, and the role self-service technology can play in helping address those issues. So if you are interested in learning how self-service kiosks and other tech can contribute to your business, these are a great place to start!


The state funding crisis in public education is a serious issue nationwide, but particularly in lower income communities. The result of this lack of funding is digital inequality across schools. This paper is meant to inform the reader about the finding crisis, digital equity solutions, and how self-service technology can improve schools. Click on the link below to request this white paper, “Campus Kiosks & the State Funding Crisis” and find out how kiosks have been improving schools nationwide.

request white paper

and check out these other industry white papers while you’re at it!

Self-Service Kiosks & BusinessHealthcare Kiosks: Patient Care & SatisfactionChurch Check-in & Tithing Solutions Self-Storage & DifferentiationImproving Efficiency & Public Independence in the Government • Employee Self-Service Kiosks: A Significant Cost Savings Solution 

If you’re in education, and looking to find ways to pay for technology in low-funding schools, check out this post: “How to Get a Kiosk Using Grants” also featured on Kiosk Marketplace!

New Update: Zamok 2.0!


We have been working hard this year building up the most comprehensive kiosk management system around, ZAMOK 2.0! This new program is geared towards our customers with an initiative to provide the most advanced kiosk software on the market. You spoke, we listened. As a result, we’re bringing you a new and improved Zamok.

Some Features To Expect

  • Responsive & Immediate Updates
  • Module Based Design For Unrivaled Flexibility
  • New Web Console For Live Kiosk Monitoring
  • Notification System To Alert Admins When Issues Arise
  • Manage & Configure Multiple Kiosks At Once

Screening for Mental Health and the MindKare Kiosk

screening mental health
Screening for Mental Health has developed the MindKare program using our kiosks to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by providing public resources for communities nationwide. The kiosk is being implemented in schools, libraries, town halls, hospitals, and more to provide free mental health screenings and information regarding mental health disorders.

Learn how SMH is working towards a common initiative: eliminating the stigma and bringing awareness to mental health



We’re sure you noticed our new look since our last quarterly newsletter, now check out our new instagram account! Follow us to get updates on kiosk projects, see how it’s done, and get a glimpse into the personalities behind Advanced Kiosks. You’ll learn a whole lot about kiosks, goldendoodles, growing crystals, “koala tea” puns, and what great teamwork looks like. Check us out!



Thank You!

This quarter has been a great one full of amazing opportunities, thanks to our valued subscribers and customers. We created an instagram, refurbished computers for donating to non-profits, re-vamped our website & blog, fine tuning our kiosk software, and much more. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the help from our readers and fellow tech nerds. At the core of our business, we are more than engineers. We are people who are passionate about the future of self-service technology, and we want to show you why. Click on the link to request a consultation with one of our project wizards.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read about what is happening at Advanced Kiosks!

If you have any questions about this email, please contact us at 1 (603) 865-1000.

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