
Quarterly Newsletter: Third Quarter 2015

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Greetings from the entire Advanced Kiosks team as we welcome you to our most recent release of our Quarterly Newsletter! We have some interesting material to cover today including a feature highlight video, some news of where you can find our products next and quick look at kiosks and their role in student retention.



This quarter we are presenting our solution highlight Slideshow: Voice Over IP. This feature spices up traditional display ads by building onto them a higher level of functionality. This acts as a direct hotline from the kiosks straight to the services being advertised.  There is no remembering numbers, no fishing out a cell phone; it’s just quick and easy access to the things that visitors want, when they want it. Simple as tap & talk!



Click the image above to check out our latest video highlighting the VoIP calling feature!


Advanced Kiosks and Synel-USA have partnered in Las Vegas at the HR Technology Conference and Exposition, which was held October 18th through the 21st at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. The two technology companies demonstrated the value of computer kiosks in HR, and conference visitors were encouraged to visit Synel-USA’s exhibitor booth (#1454) to experience one of Advanced Kiosks most popular interactive kiosks, the FreeStanding Kiosk.

When asked about the collaboration, Howard Horn, President of Advanced Kiosks said, “We are excited to showcase our interactive kiosk with Synel-USA, a technology company who, like Advanced Kiosks, also believes in a complete hardware and software solution for the human resources industry.”

Thomas Bednarik, President and CEO of Synel-USA, said, “We believe in working with companies who seek to improve the human resources landscape by providing advanced technological solutions, which is why we’re excited to be featuring an interactive kiosk from Advanced Kiosks at the 2015 HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas. Stop by booth #1454 to learn how our latest hardware and software technology can make the difference for your company or organization.”


It’s that time of year again when summer starts packing up and students head back to school. Last year’s incoming freshman class are now sophomores, but a sad truth is that a number of students may not be returning for their second year. The reasons behind a student not coming back to school are the result of a wide variety of factors. Today we are going to focus on less of the ‘why’ and more on the ‘how’ self-service technology can help keep students enrolled.

It goes without saying that there is no ‘one quick fix’ when it comes to increasing student retention and graduation rates, however, Hanover Research’s report “What Works in Student Retention” shares that there are definitely some key factors involved that increase the likelihood of a student making it to graduation.  What Works in Student Retention


A large part of what has made self-service technology a successful industry is its ability to empower the user to help themselves. There is little reason why the same benefits could not also be applied to an academic setting and its students.


Whether if its for fun or for a little extra help, making an appointment and scheduling events should be easy.  A kiosk can do that, while saving on time and expenses.

  • Make Tutoring Appointments
  • Academic Advising Appointments 
  • Share Campus & Club Events in real time

Helps with: Tutoring, Advising, Supplemental Instruction, and Learning Community


Give new students and visitors the directions and valuable information that they need to be comfortable on campus.  One of the biggest contributors of higher student retention is the quality of transition and orientation.  A wayfinding terminal is a great way to offer help at any hour of the day.

  • Campus Directions
  • Building Information & Hours
  • Contact Information
  • Request Help  

Helps with: Freshman Seminar & Living/Learning Community


Ask students how things are, receive input, gather data on things that can help in making critical campus decisions, as well as keeping a pulse on the mental health of the student population.

  • Student Input/Feedback
  • Gather Data for Decisions
  • Screen for Mental Health

Helps with: Living/Learning Community and Early Warning System


Allow students and staff to access, view, and complete various academic and administrative information documents (financial aid) securely through an HR kiosk. Reducing admin costs while expanding the hours available for assistance.

  • View Academic & Administrative Info
  • Request/Complete/Submit Documents
  • Reduce Administrative Costs

Helps with: Living/Learning Community, Academic Advising, Freshman Seminar/Orientation and Academic Advising

These are only a few of the ways self-service technology kiosks increase retention through providing assistance to students when they need it most. Interactive kiosks are a powerful tool to help colleges and universities boost their student retention rates.

Thank you for taking the time to read about what is happening at Advanced Kiosks. If you have any questions about this email, please contact us at 1-866-783-3791.

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