
Pet Kiosks and Self-Service Dog Parlors Making a Splash

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Self Service Pet Kiosks

Kiosks and DogsSelf service pet kiosks are growing in popularity, allowing loving pet owners to DIY the process of doggie washing and more. This new trend is turning what was once a potentially stressful but necessary appointment for your pet into a fun afternoon experience! 

Now, we are seeing demand growing and expanding into new areas of pet services. Below are a few examples of how self service kiosks are helping out business owners and “pet parents” alike.

Self-service Dog Parlor Kiosks

Allow customers to bring their dog into the parlor and pay for the service, which usually includes shampoo, conditioner, towels, ear and eye wipes, brushes and combs, an apron, and a complimentary blow dry.

Customers will love your clean facility, equipped with everything needed to give their pets the royal treatment. Include tools and utilities for washing, rinsing, drying, fluffing, clipping and grooming. Owners get to leave with a happy, shiny, clean pal and the mess stays behind.

Pet Adoption Kiosks

This is a growing trend with a great reward! Interactive kiosks can engage customers at their own pace and allow them to get information about pets in desperate need of new homes. Not only can they browse the gallery of available pets from every species, the kiosk can be prepared to start the adoption process. Offer links to applications, scan in ID information or even accept payment transactions for associated fees. This is a great way to connect lovable four legged candidates with potential new forever homes.

Pet Donation Kiosks

Interactive kiosks set up to accept donations offer more ways for people to show support and help organizations continue to do their important work. A donation kiosk can be located at retail stores, events, pet shows or any location that is likely to serve animal lovers. Organizations can choose to enable anonymous donations, making this convenient and private approach a welcomed and effective option.

Pet Donation Kiosks

The applications of self-service technology for the pet store environment vary depending upon the needs of customers. Most retail environments are now offering a number of self service enhancements to conserve on overhead and streamline customer needs.

Self-service technology is innovating every day to improve efficiency and customer independence in every industry. If you’re looking for a furry friend, and live in NH, check out these shelters to adopt!


Franklin Animal Shelter

NH Humane Society

Salem Animal Rescue League

Manchester Animal Shelter

Animal Rescue League of NH

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