Hennepin County, MN

  • Industry: Government
  • Product: Zamok Kiosk Office Suite
  • Kiosk Model: Document Kiosk (QTY: 27)
  • Zamok Subscription: Premier
  • Details: Health & Human Services / Public HousingIn Hennepin County, MN, 53,090 households make below 30% of the area median income. And like most cities around the country, the county faces a significant challenge in helping those residents find affordable housing.

    As part of its effort to help provide a range of affordable housing options and services across income levels, the county has fully committed to automation, signing on for 3 more years of Zamok Kiosk Management Software.

    Well-known as a trendsetter in the state of Minnesota, Hennepin County has deployed a total of 27 kiosks in a variety of locations, including in government buildings, libraries, and on the campus of the University of Minnesota.

    In addition to accepting applications for housing and connecting residents to services via an included VOIP handset, the kiosks allow residents to apply for healthcare and other benefits, scan documents, print forms, register to vote and more.

  • Use Case:
    Voter Registration
    Apply for Healthcare/Benefits
    Call to Connect with Services
    Scan Documents
    Print Forms
    Waypoint (Map/Wayfinding)
    Apply for Homestead (Housing)
    Make Payments


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