
College Printing Kiosks: the Cure for the Common Computer Lab

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If working for an electronic self-service company has taught me anything, it’s the immense importance of college printing kiosks to students on campuses of every size.

While advances in technology have made just about everything in life much easier, to me it’s always seemed like printers were the exception to the rule.

  • Are all the right drivers installed?
  • Also, what exactly is a “driver”?
  • Why isn’t the wireless set-up working?
  • What do you mean you’re out of ink? I just bought a new cartridge!
  • Why is my printer screeching and printing in hieroglyphics?

For those reasons and more, younger-me never kept a printer in his dorm room. While this decision meant avoiding a lot of hassle, it also meant needing to get to the library or a computer lab to print out my assignments. And because younger-me really enjoyed sleeping in and putting things off to the very last minute, the need to track down a free computer always seemed to happen when there were zero free desktops.

Whether it was commuters working on homework between their classes, students printing out sources for an upcoming assignment, or simply people who were playing video games and hoping I wouldn’t notice, libraries and computer labs were consistently a nightmare for students like me who only needed five minutes to plug our flash drives in and feverishly mash Ctrl+P.

Even though this was just a few short years ago, it continues to amaze me that the idea of a standalone automated printing station never even crossed my mind. But now that I’m in a position to sing the praises of college printing kiosks like our Documentation Kiosk, it’s literally all I want to do.

For evidence of the value that these Documentation Kiosks can bring to a printing needs on a campus, look no further than the University of North Dakota. After a university-wide study in 2010, the university’s IT department noted that the bottlenecks and overcrowding in computer labs represented a barrier for their student population. To address this, the university selected Advanced Kiosks to develop 10 Documentation Kiosks that were to be deployed in strategic locales throughout the campus.

With the new Documentation Kiosks, students would be able to swipe a student ID card and pay for printing using a bank of specific printing funds that each of them were given at the beginning of the year. The results were that these college printing kiosks took the campus by storm! In addition to the benefit this gives to students who need to print out assignments in a hurry, the fleet of Documentation Kiosks drastically reduced the waste of ink and paper that came from the previous system where students could print whatever they wanted for free.

UND Document Kiosk StudentI don’t know about you, but I have some major envy about not having access to college printing kiosks like these back when I was a student. And while 2018 is rife with options for college campuses looking to implement student printing solutions on their campuses, Advanced Kiosks brings an unmatched commitment to customer satisfaction, including:

  • Software included with the purchase of every kiosk.
  • Industry leading 3 Year Warranty.
  • An expansive Basic Support package included with the purchase of every kiosk (optional Advanced Support.)
  • And much more!

To find out what a college printing kiosk can do for your student population, contact one of our Project Consultants today at (603) 865-1000.

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