
VIDEO: Outdoor Computer Kiosks for Parks and Recreation!

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Day trips to the zoo, state parks and other recreational areas can be a lot of fun and a great way to spend the day. However, sometimes outdoor recreational areas suffer from a lack of informational signage, as the outside elements such as wind, rain and snow take their toll and make it difficult to maintain. Water damaged signs can be difficult to read and can potentially leave users misdirected or misinformed. Confusion and lack of information when enjoying the outdoors can quickly take the fun out of things or even present dangerous situations. Now, state parks and outdoor entertainment areas have a better way, outdoor computer kiosks.

The dedicated employees and staff that supervise these parks really want visitors to get the most out of their time, enjoy themselves and above all be safe. Time spent pointing people in the right direction could be better spent doing things to groom, maintain and improve the environment. 

Advanced Kiosks has engineered outdoor computer kiosks that can withstand the elements and weather conditions. Outdoor models such as the Enviro, the Transit or the Monolith Kiosk are designed to operate reliably for years while being exposed to fluctuating temperature, humidity, and precipitation. These outdoor computer kiosks can provide helpful functions such as building or terrain maps, facility or emergency information, credit card donations, emergency phone service, or information about upcoming events that you want to promote, just to name a few. There are also many features and options available to enhance the functionality and accommodate visitors with disabilities such as auditory services.  On top of all that, an outdoor kiosk can come in 10 vibrant colors that are sure to strike the attention of visitors.

Please check out the video below:

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