
Peripheral Hardware and Interactive Kiosk Options

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Peripheral Hardware and Interactive Kiosk Options: It’s not what CAN a kiosk do, it what do you WANT the kiosk to do.

When looking to purchase an interactive kiosk it’s much like making any other large investment. Thought and research need to be done, but knowing exactly what you want from your kiosk is the most important starting point to your project.  Much like a car, depending on what you want out of the equipment determines what you are purchasing.  If you want the card to go faster speeds than normal, you might add a turbo.  If you like a luxury piece of self-parallel parking, you would add on the self-assist package.  Upgraded stereo for those who like a premium listening experience; and the list goes on and on.

The same principle applies to interactive kiosks and the different peripheral hardware that can be added to each kiosk.  Those looking to accept credit card transactions for payment, donations, or dues, will add a credit card reader.  Need to allow the public to update records without having someone do it for them?  Add a scanner that streamlines the process and lets the user have some control. Peripheral hardware and kiosk options can greatly increase your self service project’s ROI.

Listed below are a just a few of the many different peripheral hardware additions for your interactive kiosks, and some functionalities of each one.

4G Internet Access ID Reader Receipt Printer
Barcode Reader Internal Heaters Scanner
Battery Back-up Keyboard Screen Protector
Brushed Stainless Steel Kiosk Colors Signature Pad
Cell Phone Charging Station Label Printer Thermal Printer
Computer Upgrade Laser Printer VOIP Handset
Credit Card Reader Palm Scanner Web Camera
Custom Design Passport Reader Wheels
Fingerprint Reader Privacy Filter Wheels
Graphics QR Code Reader And More…


It’s important to know that an interactive kiosk is NOT a one trick pony.  With the right peripheral hardware, a kiosk becomes a self service assistant with the ability to accomplish many different tasks.  Advanced Kiosks has provided complete self service solutions to directly address a problem that needs to be fixed, a process that needs to be streamlined, and to be utilized as a tool to provide assistance to the target audience in need.  Not only has Advanced Kiosks provided and perfected these solutions, they have also enabled the kiosk user to accomplish more when using the kiosk.  This allows the organization that is purchasing interactive kiosks to customize them to not only meet their consumers’ primary need, but also to enable their consumers to grow and adapt, meeting additional needs by utilizing the kiosks.  If an organization places an interactive kiosk in a public space as a wayfinding tool, but then decides they want to add a consumer survey and realizes that they require an external keyboard, Advanced Kiosks can send the keyboard, tools, and instructions for a simple and quick installation, even if the project has already launched.

When customers speak Advanced Kiosks listens, and being in business for over 15 years we have heard a lot.  One thing heard over and over again is how organizations have “this” problem, but it would be cool if the kiosk could also do “that”.  The software has already been developed, and the possibilities are endless, it’s now just time to add different peripheral hardware options and let your kiosk do all the work.  If you have any questions on the functionality of these kiosks and what the limits are, contact our sales team for a more in-depth conversation.


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