
Relax & Provide Great Customer Service

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Did you enjoy your Labor Day holiday? Do you wish you could extend it, or just spend a little less time in the office? 

Maybe you feel like a slave to your small business, imprisoned in your office waiting for customers. Maybe you know you could be providing better service, but it just isn’t cost-effective to stay open that late or staff that remote satellite office. 

If you fantasize about improving customer service while working shorter days, self-service kiosks are the hero you’ve been waiting for. From self-storage facilities to healthcare providers, Advanced Kiosks helps public and private sector clients serve more people, better, for less money. Here’s how:

Better Customer Service

Multipurpose Front Food BeverageIn self storage and fast food, it’s all about accessibility. You want people to be able to rent that unit or buy that burger anytime of the day or night. Ideally, you want to provide the same great service whether it’s Monday at 10am or Saturday at 2am. Self-service kiosks function as virtual employees that are reliable, consistent, and willing to work any shift for less than a dollar an hour. Ready to interview candidates? We’ve got a video to help you do just that. 

For specialized retail and telemedicine, accessibility is less about long hours and more about connecting customers with the right experts at the right time. That’s where kiosk video chat and co-browsing features can save the day. Patients and specialists no longer have to be in the same geographic location. A webcam, speaker and microphone are all digital kiosks need to enable face-to-face professional consultations, even in remote areas with low population densities.  

Better Employee Service

You don’t just work long hours to serve your customers. You do it to keep your employees happy too. HR kiosks are designed to lighten your load in that department. Our HR Kiosk video explains how self-service kiosks can function as HR satellite offices and integrate with your existing HRMS platform. Employees use them to fill out and submit forms, request PTO, and print pay stubs. No more staying late or coming in early to catch the 2nd and 3rd shift workers. Go ahead, take off a little early; you deserve it!

Better Public Service

If you work in government, you know it isn’t always a matter of not having the time. It’s a matter of serving an ever-growing population on an ever-tightening budget. Self-service kiosks help alleviate your time crunches and staffing shortages. That’s why Advanced Kiosks has so many government clients. We are also GSA Advantage! approved vendors, so you know you’ll be getting the best deal. 

DMVs all over the country use self-service kiosks to tame their legendary lines and wait times. These DMV in a Box kiosks are working hard to improve the image of America’s much-maligned institution. National Park Service visitors use our outdoor kiosks to check-in, register for campsites and print proofs of payment. Over the years, we’ve had local government offices use our self-service kiosks for public information campaigns, building and parking permit applications, and to pay for traffic violations. 

Let Every Day Be Labor Day!

Okay, maybe we can’t promise your life will be one unending Labor Day holiday, but we can promise self-service kiosks will keep your customers/employees/citizens happy while you focus on higher-level tasks. So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call today to plan your interactive kiosk implementation. Then maybe knock off early. Your work here is done. 

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