Post similar to: Top 10 Ways College Campuses Utilize Interactive Kiosks

Top 10 Ways College Campuses Utilize Interactive Kiosks

Top 10 Ways College Campuses Utilize Interactive Kiosks

College campuses are centers for growth an innovation, and technology plays in important role in maintaining that status. Students, as well as faculty, expect their schools to keep up with new and emerging technologies to remain the cutting edge institutions we...
Using Student Kiosks to Start Off the School Year Strong

Using Student Kiosks to Start Off the School Year Strong

School’s Back Soon! Curriculum plans, dining hall food orders, new hires, updated school supplies, new technology like a school kiosk, event itinerary, and budget plans all need to be laid out and ready to go soon. The incoming freshman class will soon be...
WHITE PAPER: Campus Kiosks & State Funding Crisis

WHITE PAPER: Campus Kiosks & State Funding Crisis

Self-Service Campus Kiosks & Education Currently, the largest problem U.S. colleges and universities are facing is overcrowding and lack of state funding. More institutions across the nation are adopting self service and implementing campus kiosks to address...
MindKare Kiosk: Eliminating the Stigma and Promoting Wellness

MindKare Kiosk: Eliminating the Stigma and Promoting Wellness

According to the American College Health Association (ACHA), “the suicide rate among young adults, ages 15-24, has tripled since the 1950s and suicide is currently the second most common cause of death among college students”. On average, approximately...
Student Kiosks and College | Advanced Kiosks

Student Kiosks and College | Advanced Kiosks

Student Kiosks Ft. The Life of a College Student Hey, listen. I know we all love to talk about all the fun college parties and college lifestyle. The Chinese takeout at 2:00am and essays scattered all over the dorm room are both exhilarating concepts. I’m here...
Interactive Outdoor Kiosk Purposes

Interactive Outdoor Kiosk Purposes

Interactive outdoor kiosks are seen all over the place when we take a moment to think about it – from the ATMs we see driving down the road to the machines we use as we pay for a parking spot to the digital information we read when visiting a...