Post similar to: Newsletter Blog: Catch up on what’s happening at Advanced Kiosks!

Instructional POPUP Window feature for Zamok Kiosk Software

Instructional POPUP Window feature for Zamok Kiosk Software

Assist your kiosks users with added informational screen popups! INSTRUCTIONAL POPUP WINDOW FEATURE FOR ZAMOK KIOSK SOFTWARE Advanced Kiosks is known for our innovation in self-service technology, which is why we’re excited to announce a new feature for our...
Self Service Kiosk Means Improved Customer Service

Self Service Kiosk Means Improved Customer Service

Installing self-service kiosk technology can be a huge differentiator in customer experience strategy, and it’s becoming expected in the modern world. The National Restaurant Association found that an amazing 79% of customers found that kiosks make their experience more convenient.

HR Kiosks in the Food Processing Industry

HR Kiosks in the Food Processing Industry

Sierra-Cedar has been tracking HR systems adoption for 21 years. Their 2018-19 white paper says 78% of workplaces now use employee self service. Digital HR self-service portals save human resources departments substantial time and money, but how do they serve the 80%...
Self-Serve Kiosk Perks That May Surprise You!

Self-Serve Kiosk Perks That May Surprise You!

If you are considering a self-serve kiosk implementation, you know the business case, right? You’ve researched how much time and money kiosks can save you. You know impatient customers, especially Millennials, want the DIY power to do exactly what they want,...