
Free Kiosk Software: What You Should Look For

Understanding the value of free kiosk software

There are kiosk software companies and kiosk manufacturers that offer what they call “free kiosk software”, but often times free software is not going to provide the necessary functionality. This is a critical piece when planning for any self service kiosk project. An interactive kiosk is just a metal box without the kiosk software, ultimately, its the brains of the operation. One of the key advantages of working with Advanced Kiosks is the proprietary Zamok Kiosk Software that extends the value of every kiosk we ship. This is a big deal, let me explain why:

Zamok Kiosk Software Provides:

Remote kiosk administration tools

This allows you to manage many kiosks in many locations right from your desktop. If you have many locations around the country or all in the same facility, you can update and administrate from a single user friendly dashboard.

Hardware peripheral control

Zamok provides the ability to choose from dozens of features and add-ons like scanning, printing, video, ticketing, VoIP calling and much more.

Customizable kiosk screen templates

Prebuilt screen templates make it a snap to serve up a secure interface to kiosk users and only allow them to access what you have predefined. Change the color, look, feel and branding to fit your organization or task.

Built in usage reports, alerts and notifications

Managers can always be on top of what users are doing and know the status of all kiosks in the field no matter where they are. Configure email and text alerts for different recipients as desired.

Software integration

So you have a business software platform you want to use on your kiosk? No problem! Zamok makes it easy to integrate with your existing systems, software and web content.

Zamok Logo

The features of the Zamok Kiosk Software extend beyond what is mentioned above and can be configured to meet the users needs. Zamok has a user friendly interface that can be accessed from any web browser with a secure login. Each kiosk computer also comes with the latest version of the Windows OS to handle any locally installed Windows applications you choose.

When the other guys say “Free Kiosk Software”: What You Should Look For

Here are some questions to ask the vendor:

  • Is it Pre-installed?
  • Is it difficult of Use?
  • Is it Windows friendly?
  • How secure is it?
  • What have other people said in reviews?
  • Is it reliable?
  • Do I need my own IT support?
  • Are there associated costs or fees?
  • Will I need anything from a third party to get my kiosk up and running?

Is the “Free Kiosk Software” going to meet YOUR needs?

Every project is different and every customer has different levels of technical skill or resources at their disposal. Here are a few things to think about when vetting the provider for your interactive kiosk project.

How much technical experience do you have?

Some free software is built off of linux, which can be a lot harder to use if you’re used to running Windows applications. Look into whether the software stands alone or if it operates off of a web browser. If you are forced to download, install and configure this “free” software, you might find yourself in a technical mess.

Can the software customize to your needs?

Most free software does not have much for custom settings that you are able to change. If you need the software for a very specific project, make sure the “free software” they are providing will do the job that YOU need it to.

Is this software malicious?

Reading reviews is a good tactic. Look into software forums and read what others have said after using it. Sometimes, “free software” application downloads become targets for hackers and could cause you some grief either during the set up of your project or worse…after it goes live.

Compare the value of FREE

Be careful about your investment and make sure that you compare options including security, performance, reputation, compatibility, stability and support.

Advanced Kiosks provides software set-up and configuration to ensure that when you get your kiosk it is ready to plug in and go! Our engineering experience and development capabilities are part of what we call the Advanced Kiosks Advantage. Our powerful Zamok Kiosk Software gives you the power to do more right from day one. This provides the most value and results in happy customers!

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