
HR Self Service Kiosks for a Changing Job Market

The nature of the workforce has gone through some massive changes in the last several years. The days of the gold watch retirement gift from the company you’ve spent decades working for have been replaced by a rise in contract work,  rapid job switching in search of more opportunity, and side hustles. Finding the right candidates for open positions  is critical to any organization, the process of vetting and screening can be very time consuming and in some cases, will still not result in the perfect match.

What does all this mean for already overworked Human Resources departments without HR self service kiosks tools? Put quite simply: More work.

From federal tax forms and benefit enrollment forms to company policies and background checks, employee on boarding is already a paperwork intensive process. But when you crank up the speed at which these things occur and add the sea of paperwork that comes with departing employees, your HR team can easily find itself trapped in an endless swirl of paper pushing.

How much paper pushing? Well, according to a survey from TotalJobs, the average HR department can spend nearly 10% of their work week on administrative tasks alone. While these duties are important to any HR team, we’re talking about a part of your business that’s unrelated to your revenue stream spending nearly a tenth of their time on mundane paperwork. Putting costs aside, this kind of bureaucracy greatly distracts your HR department from big picture employee development tasks that actually add value to your business.

HR Kiosk

Yes, work has changed, but so have the tools we perform it with. Enter HR self service kiosks from Advanced Kiosks.

Whether it’s scanning identification documents for I-9 verification or completing or mandatory training tutorials, an employee self service solution like our Documentation Kiosk is a potent weapon in the fight against the workday draining tasks your HR team is currently saddled with.

But the benefits don’t end with first day administrative tasks. When implemented correctly, HR self service solutions from Advanced Kiosks bring a deep bench of assets that support your employees throughout the life cycle of their time with your company:

  • Connect with employees and communicate company news and events
  • Secure access to payroll data
  • Enroll in and manage 401K and other benefits programs
  • 24/7 access to all company forms and documents
  • Manage and submit time off requests’
  • And much more!

There’s no telling what kind of loops the ever-changing nature of the workforce is going to throw us for in the future, but HR self service kiosks are definitely going to be there to cut down on the paperwork.

If you would like more info about how Employee HR Kiosks can help your organization please visit out Human Resources industry page or download the HR Kiosk Brochure.

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